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钢质浮标Steel buoy

Steel buoy is a kind of common navigation aids consisting of fixtures and floating body. There are shallow water buoy, deep-sea buoy and large ocean buoys according to different setting water areas. The size of buoys are differed according to the diameter of floating body. The common buoys have diameters of 1.8m, 2.4m or 3.0 m while large buoys can have diameters of 5.0m, 6.0m or 10.0m.
The buoys can carry navigation equipment like the beacon light, solar panel, battery box and top mark of AIDS. Usually, large buoy could be able to carry large equipment for special cases such as Marine hydrology and meteorology monitoring.
The production of buoys meets the requirements in Sea-going steel ships of the buoy manufacture conforms to the rules for the classification and construction , the material and the welding specification, the area supporting steel buoy coating system and technical requirements , sea steel buoy coating process requirements and other standards.


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